- U p d a t e s -

Update 12 07.08.2024

  • Simplified the index-page
    • Removed title
    • Removed subtitle
    • Removed appearing section
    • Centered everything on the eye

Update 11 04.03.2024

  • Added the gradient-background to the update-page

Update 10 29.02.2024

  • Added the "bobbles" left and right on the updates
  • Overall code-improvements:
    • Recallibrated most of the margins/paddings
    • Created variables for the colors

Update 9 28.02.2024

  • Created update-page
    • Added all updates until now

Update 8 27.02.2024

  • Made the eye on index blink

Update 7 22.02.2024

  • Made the eye on index follow the courser (by adapting this tutorial)

Update 6 ??.??.????

  • Added the section that appears when you click the logo on index

Update 5 ??.??.????

  • Added the colored "shadow" to all text

Update 4 ??.??.????

  • Made the logo, title and subtitles on index bob up and down

Update 3 ??.??.????

  • created the not-found-page
    • styled the page with the marquees

Update 2 ??.??.????

  • Put the logo, title and background on index

Update 1 19.12.2023

  • Created the site :)